Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's Alive!!!!

....Or rather I'm still alive. Nope, I haven't forgotten about my little blog... I just haven't had time to do anything with this.

Well today that changes.

Four things I did this summer:

2) Portrayed Yente the matchmaker in our local theater group's production of "Fiddler on the Roof" (Favorite role ever)

3) Helped escort four cadets from Canada and two from Singapore all around Virginia for a week through the International Air Cadet Exchange.

(Photo by Christina Chin )

4) Worked on the house. (This was pretty much when I wasn't doing any of the above.)

Two big things happened in August:
1) I started watching a baby boy, four days a week, while his mom and dad work. He is now almost four months old and he is the happiest baby I've ever seen. He's so cute.

2) At the end of August, we put our house on the market!!! We've had four or five people come look at it. Hopefully someone will want to buy it soon.

Well, that's all for now.

Lissy Lou

Saturday, March 10, 2012

For Such a Time as This....

(Google Images)

     Purim is one of my favorite holidays. Like all Jewish holidays there is a lot of food involved and, in this case, lots of triangular shaped, jelly or poppy seed filled cookies called “Hamentashens”. But what is the point of having lots of food if you have no one to share it with? Getting together with friends at a Purim party and sharing many laughs is great. But the most important part is remembering why we celebrate through the reading of the Book of Esther. The story tells of how God saved His people from certain destruction at the hand of the evil Haman through one very brave lady named Esther and her cousin Mordecai. As you can see Purim is one of my favorite holidays with food, friends, and the reminder of the fact that God always takes care of His people. 
Happy Purim, Everyone!     

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Winter Arrives... at Last!

Yesterday afternoon as my family and I were finishing lunch, we were treated to something that has been quite rare this winter...

(Stock Picture)

Snow!!! We had not been forecasted to get any, so naturally we all were VERY excited!  It snowed pretty steadily for about an hour, leaving us with a nice dusting on the ground. Apparently it was quite a strong front that come through as, for a brief few minutes at the beginning, we had a couple of claps of thunder shake the house! There was still a little bit on the ground this morning but most of it is gone now. Oh well, by the end of this week we're forecasted to be back up in the upper 50's.... but that's okay with me. We've now had winter, it's time for spring! ;)

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Boring Day

So this is a silly thing I wrote for English today based, partially, off of a true story of a little neighbor. The names and places have been changed to protect his identity. (If the piece seems a little strange, it's because I had to have certain parts of speech in it.) Enjoy! :)

     Could a day in little Johnny's life be boring? To start the day Johnny rolled out of bed, and landed on Lulu, the dog, who yelped, causing no small commotion. Giving her a big Johnny hug, he apologized, much to Lulu's discomfort. Mom decided it was high time he was dressed, but she didn't approve of his choice of clothes. Plaids and stripes apparently don't mix. After that adventure he went to breakfast and, when Mom wasn't looking, he poured himself a nice bowl of cereal. She did not appreciate his messy style though. Upon deciding that he didn't like his pants, he took them off, just as the school bus was coming up the road. Somehow Mom managed get him on the bus, on time, and fully dressed. That day at school his favorite person Ms. Casey, the Art Teacher, had the whole class paint a picture of something they wanted to have. Johnny decided that he was a better canvas than the one she gave him. 
    When he got home, he proudly showed his Mom his newly decorated shirt. Mom, again, did not like his style but she got distracted by a phone call. Johnny thought Mom was hard to please and decided it was time to see what big brother Ben was doing outside. While riding his bike down the middle of the street, Johnny saw his new friends, DJ and Blake, going into their house. Johnny followed them in, leaving his bike in a ditch. Sometime later, he reappeared with a juice box and mouthful of goldfish crackers.  
     Oh look! There's big brother Ben and several of his friends playing with a Frisbee in the front yard. Grabbing his bike, Johnny peddled  home as fast as his short legs would carry him. Crossing in front of an oncoming car, he couldn't understand why everyone got so upset with him. Dinner passed much the same as breakfast. Mom decided that after the messy day Johnny had, that he needed a bath before he went to bed. To say that she later regretted that decision might be an understatement. At the end of the day Dad tucked a tired but dry Johnny into his warm bed as Mom mopped up the watery mess in the bathroom. It had been a very boring day.      

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Re-post: Liberty's Call: What to Look for in a Candidate

I found this post to be very helpful. Check it out! :)

Liberty's Call: What to Look for in a Candidate: I noticed a problem in the 2010 tea party election. There were people who were right on the issues, but they were bad candidates. What we ne...

Friday, September 16, 2011

Busy, Busy Weeks....

     So as you can see we survived Hurricane Irene! However between being without internet for a week after the hurricane and starting back to doing school full time, I just haven't had time to update this blog.
     Anyway, I have a story to tell about the hurricane, or rather after it. Late that Saturday night we lost our power and this story is about one of these things ....
(Picture from Google Images)
     The next day obviously was Sunday and our church had power, so we went there. Before the service Dad was joking with one of the elders who, Dad knew, had a generator.. Anyway, Dad asked him if we could come "borrow" his generator, after all he didn't need it right?  The elder laughed and said "No!". He didn't have power either. 

     One of the ladies of our church over heard this conversation and offered Dad their generator for us to use, as they did have power and didn't need it. Dad hadn't really been trying to get one but he thanked her and after church we stopped by her house.

     When got we got there we told her that we wanted to take the generator to our associate pastor's house, instead. They had lost power early in the day on Saturday and because they had just had a baby, they had not prepared for the storm at all. While we loaded the generator into the back of our van, she went inside. Just before we left she came back out and told us that she had called her son and he had a generator WE could use! 
    So after we dropped the first generator off, we went to pick up the second. On the way back we saw  my Aunt and Uncle driving back to their house, so we followed them. Thankfully the only damage they had was several large trees across their driveway, unlike Isabel when they had a bit more damage... They also didn't have power which meant their well wouldn't work, so they had been in town getting some water. My brothers helped carry the buckets up the long driveway to the house, and the rest of us helped with some clean up.
    By the time we got home it was early evening.... and we had a nice surprise waiting for us. The power was back on!!! :) I'm still not sure how because there were lots of trees and lines down near our house. In fact, because of all that mess, we only had one way in and out of our neighborhood. (We usually have 3 or 4.)

      Anyway, God worked it out for the best. Because of getting the generators we got to: 1) Meet the associate pastor's new, cute baby girl  and  2) Help my Aunt and Uncle out, who as it turned out, kind of needed it.
      There is a sad part to this story. The next day my Uncle ended up in the ER for what at first the doctor's thought was double pneumonia, but what turned out to be lung cancer. They gave him 2-3 months to live and sent him home. He didn't make even two weeks and we just had his funeral on Wednesday.... 
     ((Sigh)) Life is not always that easy but I've just got to remind myself that God is in control and He knows what He's doing.    

Thursday, August 25, 2011

An Earthquake and a Hurricane

     So on Tuesday afternoon we had something that almost never happens here, there was an Earthquake! 5.8, the largest in recorded history here.  Thankfully no one died and the damage could have been much worse than it was. We've had good several aftershocks but, for us anyway, all it did was give us something to talk about.
     This weekend however, it looks like we will have another natural disaster in the form of a certain Hurricane Irene.... so we are busy getting ready for that. We're far enough inland that the main problem will be the wind but I can't imagine what it will be like on the coast....
     In the next couple of day we'll be moving as much of our container garden as we can up against the house, picking up the yard, filling 1 gal buckets with water and freezing them (ice :), trying to get all the clothes washed, baking done, and stocking up on can goods and other things. :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Book review.... oh look squirrel!

So I sat down to write a post about the book I just finished reading and what do I do?  I get lost looking at trailers for independent christian films.... haven't found anything interesting yet.... oh well.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Watching Little Ones

I like watching children, especially the little ones. Gives me lots of practice for being a mom in the future. Of course getting payed is always nice but sometimes I think I have the most fun when I can just do it help out.
     Like yesterday, our neighbor across the street was having a yard sale so we went over check it out and see how it was going. As we were looking around we got talking to our neighbor's friend who was also selling things. She happened to be a young mom with two little girls who, having been homeschooled herself, talked to Mom for awhile about that.
     Her youngest one (who is 13 months) was napping but the older one (who is two and a half I think) was running around putting dirt and acorns in a small pot so I helped her find some more acorns and ended up playing/ watching her the rest of the morning so her mom could focus on selling things. We had soooo much fun filling her little pockets with acorns (our neighbor now has significantly less), playing with the toys her mom brought for her, and (when we were "tired") we would flop down in the grass and take a "nap" till one of us yelled "Wake up!". :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Hello and Welcome!

Well hello, y'all! So I decided I should start one of these things after reading so many other people's wonderful blogs.  So who am I?  Well if you click the little tab up there that says "About Me" you can find that out.
I  don't know how well I'll do keeping this up but I'll do my best, that I can promise.